

The project proposal is developed in full compliance with the general objectives of the Program "Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency, Energy Security" and the procedure "Rehabilitation and modernization of municipal infrastructure - outdoor artificial lighting systems of municipalities", and its implementation will contribute to improving conditions for energy efficiency, reduction of energy consumption and dependence on energy imports.

At present, the street lighting in the Municipality of Haskovo does not meet the standard requirements for brightness, glare, medium and longitudinal uniformity of illumination, and at the same time high energy costs were reported.

By optimizing the artificial lighting systems, the potential for reducing energy costs by 81.7% is established, which is equal to 533.30 MWh / year with an ecological equivalent of 629.26 tons of saved CO2 emissions / year. The necessary investments for implementation of the energy saving measures amount to BGN 600,625 excluding VAT and a payback period of 9.3 years for the package of measures.

c fakepath haskovo 41914d2In addition, the project achieves social equality in the region by reducing the contrast and differences between life in the big city and that in villages and remote residential areas and helping to improve the living conditions of 2,949 residents in the Municipality of Haskovo.

The proposed interventions contribute to all three main pillars of the sustainable development policy:

  • Economic sphere: By modernizing the energy efficiency of outdoor lighting systems, the living environment, accessibility and its environmental friendliness will be improved. All this will have a direct impact on increasing local economic development and overall competitiveness of the Municipality;
  • Social sphere : Modernization of outdoor artificial lighting will create safe conditions for vehicle traffic and pedestrian safety in the evening and at night, which will inevitably improve the attractiveness of the populated settlements and increase the satisfaction and quality of life of the local population;
  • Environmental sphere: Implementation of measures to increase energy efficiency under the project will achieve a reduction in the cost of conventional energy for lighting and saving CO2 emissions.
